Mit unserem Umzug nach Rostock ist auch unsere Webseite umgezogen! Hier geht es zur neuen Seite.
With our move to Rostock our website also found a new home. Click here to visit our new site.
Diese Seite bleibt zwar noch für einige Zeit verfügbar, wird aber seit 2019 nicht mehr aktualisiert.
This website will stay accessible for some time but will not be updated as of 2019.
Our group has been founded within the Emmy Noether framework by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) at the seam between the Center for Biomolecular Magnetic Resonance (BMRZ) and the Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (PTC) as well as the Institute of Biophysical Chemistry at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main in 2013. In 2019, we have moved to the University of Rostock. Our new home is at the Institute of Chemistry and the Department of Life, Light & Matter in Rostock. We are looking forward to exciting research and many fruitful collaborations in the Baltic area.
Our research is focused towards Solid-State Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP), the development of new methods within this field, and their application towards biomolecular problems. We are a central part of the NMR competence center within the Department of Life, Light & Matter at the University of Rostock where we find plenty of exciting research collaborations in the fields of structural biology and materials science.
Feel free to browse our site, take a look at our research projects, or contact us to learn more about us. We are always looking for talented and motivated PhD students and postdocs, so do not hesitate to check our job offers and send your applications!
Victoria Aladin has been awarded the Ernst Award from the GDCh subgroup Magnetic Resonance for her publication Complex formation of the tetracycline-binding aptamer investigated by specific cross-relaxation under DNP. Congratulations!
Diane Daube's paper Dynamic nuclear polarization on a hybridized hammerhead ribozyme: An explorative study of RNA folding and direct DNP with a paramagnetic metal ion cofactor has recently been published in Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Congrats, Diane!
Björn Corzilius has been appointed University Professor for Physical Chemistry with Focus on Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy from the University of Rostock. During the course of the year, our group will be transitioning to our new home at the Institute of Chemistry and the Department for Life, Light & Matter in Rostock.